LieTV 01 - spraypaint stencil on canvas - 2007 - 150x130cm |
LieTV 01 - spraypaint stencil on canvas - 2007 - 150x130cm |
dua karya ini saya buat tahun 2007, berjudul LieTV 01 dan LieTV 02. stensil cat semprot di atas kanvas. LieTV 01 di beli oleh seorang Ibu asal Amerika (lupa namanya, datang bersama kurator Sudjud Dartanto), beliau bilang beli karya ini untuk di berikan ke anak perempuannya yang sedang keranjingan nonton American Idol. waktu itu Ibu ini datang ke LIB studio, tempat saya bekerja, lukisan ini baru saja selesai, masih basah, dia kemudian mengambil kursi, duduk 5 meter menghadap lukisan ini, dan menghabiskan waktu sekitar setengah jam untuk menceritakan anak perempuannya yang mencandu TV itu. LieTV 02 sekarang di gantung di tembok AFFAIRS STORE YK. sempat sekali di pamerkan di edwin gallery jakarta dalam pameran bersama 'hello print'. tivi, kotak bercahaya dan bersuara dan hampir seperti bernyawa ini berkedip-kedip cepat. hampir seluruh kedipannya mentransmisikan janji-janji retoris busuk tapi berwujud permen, yang memaksa penikmatnya menjilati nikmatnya, lalu menunda-nunda beranjak keluar kamar untuk bersapa dengan kehidupan nyata. memaksa pemirsanya untuk percaya bahwa apa yang ada di dalamnya adalah benar dan nyata. ada LIE di setiap BE-LIE-VE.
These two works, i made in 2007, titled LieTV 01 and LieTV 02. spraypaint stencil on canvas. LieTV 01 bought by American Ladies (forgot his name, came along to my studio with curator: Sudjud Dartanto), she told me that she buy the work to be given to his daughter, which she says addicted to watch American Idol. She came to Liberated studio, where I worked, had just finished this painting, still wet, she then took the chair, sits 5 meters facing this painting, and spent about half an hour to tell stories about her daughter. LieTV 02 now hanging on the wall AFFAIRS STORE YK. was once the exhibited in edwin gallery jakarta, 'hello print' exhibition, a group show. Television, a fast blinking glowing and voiced box. the blink transmits almost all rhetorical promises in candy looks, which forced the viewers licking on it, and then delay to move out of the room to say hello to the real life. forcing viewers to believe that what is in it, is true and real. There is LIE in every BE-LIE-VE.
These two works, i made in 2007, titled LieTV 01 and LieTV 02. spraypaint stencil on canvas. LieTV 01 bought by American Ladies (forgot his name, came along to my studio with curator: Sudjud Dartanto), she told me that she buy the work to be given to his daughter, which she says addicted to watch American Idol. She came to Liberated studio, where I worked, had just finished this painting, still wet, she then took the chair, sits 5 meters facing this painting, and spent about half an hour to tell stories about her daughter. LieTV 02 now hanging on the wall AFFAIRS STORE YK. was once the exhibited in edwin gallery jakarta, 'hello print' exhibition, a group show. Television, a fast blinking glowing and voiced box. the blink transmits almost all rhetorical promises in candy looks, which forced the viewers licking on it, and then delay to move out of the room to say hello to the real life. forcing viewers to believe that what is in it, is true and real. There is LIE in every BE-LIE-VE.
bukan hanya TV, namun media (massa) pd umumnya semakin menjadi corong bagi kebohongan2 yang diulang2 oleh 'yang berkepentingan'. Realitas media kemudian dinggap sebagai realita..seperti jargon Hitler; 'kebenaran adalah kebohongan yang dijejalkan berulang2..Menjadi penting untuk bersikap kritis bahkan skeptik terhadap media..